Services and Sectors

Our Services

Pacifica Global’s passion, experience, networks, and suite of end-to-end people solutions means we are unlike any other workforce solutions provider with Australia-Pasifika interests.

Insight and Advisory

We work with industry, government, and international agencies, to provide informed consulting solutions for the benefit of employers and employees. Our services seek to maximise opportunity, minimse risk, and create cultural diversity across nationalities. We provide additional support for clients who participate in established Australian Government schemes to employ people from Pacific nations.

Training and Development

Our targeted Registered Training Organisation-affiliated training solutions are available to employers and employees, grounded in authentic values and cultural education from on-boarding to return-home strategies. This proven approach builds employee-employer trust to create happier, more diversified and productive workplaces.

People Solutions

We offer specialised recruitment solutions to connect employers with semi-skilled Pasifika employees, with transferable skills and readiness for Australian and Asia Pacific workplaces, facilitated with Australian Government support.

Supporting all Sectors

Our services and insights are readily transferrable to a wide range of industries and applications, from the private sector to government and international agencies.

Infrastructure and construction

Manufacturing, Food and Beverage

Health and Aged Care

Hospitality and Tourism

Forestry and Agriculture

Public Services

Logistics and Transport
